Category: Diabetes Resources

Manually Checking Blood Sugar Levels vs Continuous Glucose Monitoring

Manually Checking Blood Sugar Levels vs Continuous Glucose Monitoring While researching the industry I have seen a lot of people in the community wondering if a Continuous Glucose Monitor (CGM) is right for them.  Well, the short answer is…..   Ask your Doctor.   I know that is not the answer you want to hear,…
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May 16, 2017 0

Bacteria in Gut May Increase Risk for Diabetes

As you may already know, I work in healthcare.  Specifically with patients having procedures with Gastroenterologists.  So when my wife sent me this article, I knew it would be yet another fascinating story of how we keep discovery new things about the millions of bacteria that impact our lives daily.   I’m encouraged that this…
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May 4, 2017 0

American Association of Diabetes Educators

American Association of Diabetes Educators Education is one of the keys to successfully managing your diabetes.   The second key is having a partner that is able to keep you going and help you design a plan for YOU! The AADE is an amazing resource for all of us to accomplish both education and the personal…
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April 20, 2017 0